The Boston Children’s Hospital Autoinflammatory Disease Family Workshop will take place on Saturday, August 22, 2020, from 1-3pm EST and will be held virtually through Zoom.
The program will include discussions on disease updates, emotional wellness and coping, optimal nutrition, and how to work effectively with schools and school nurses. We hope to have an informative conversation and opportunities for Q&A.
Please register for this free event here:
Zoom links will be sent to all pre-registered attendees.
Workshop Schedule
1PM-2PM: Medical Presentations and Scientific Talks
- “What Are Autoinflammatory Conditions” – Jonathan Hausmann, MD
- “Update on Research and Approaches to Discovery and Treatment” – Lauren Henderson, MD, MMSc
- “Inflammation and the Gut/Anti-Inflammatory Diets” – Sophie Burge, MS, RDN, LD
- “Treatments, Challenges, Medications and Side Effects” – Fatma Dedeoglu, MD
1:30-2:00PM Question and Answer Session
2:00-2:15PM: Break
2:15PM-2:45PM: School and Wellness Talks
- “Partnering with Schools: Is the School Nurse at the Table?” – Shanyn Toulouse, MEd, BSN, RN, NCSN, Northeast Regional School Nurse Consultant
- “Stress Management and Coping during COVID-19” – Judith Siegel, LICSW and Jodie Shea
2:45-3PM: Program Closing
Program evaluations will be emailed to attendees following the workshop.