Autoinflammatory Diseases
From unraveling the molecular mysteries to empowering patients and fostering a supportive community, we are here to shed light on these conditions and inspire hope for a brighter future. Whether you’re a patient, caregiver, medical student, physician, nurse, or health professional, my material is designed to increase awareness, unravel the mysteries, and provide valuable insights into these complex conditions. Join me in uncovering the secrets that lie within and empowering a community united in understanding.
Jonathan S. Hausmann, MD

What the heck is arthritis?
What the heck is arthritis? Everything you ever wanted to know, in only 60 seconds!

Kawasaki Disease And The End of Rheumatology as We Know it
This agent, possibly a fungal toxin, would be responsible for triggering an exuberant immune response in children, causing the typical manifestation of the disease

To Misdiaganose is Human
A previously-healthy man sees his primary care physician and complains of fatigue. Laboratory studies shows abnormalities which concern his physician for the presence of cancer.

“Get Dirty” At The ACR Annual Meeting
With hundreds of scientific sessions covering virtually every topic in rheumatology, you might think that these sessions are the most important part of attending the ACR Annual Meeting. You would be wrong

What The Heck Is Rheumatology?
When I meet someone for the first time and tell them that I’m a rheumatologist, I usually get blank stares, as if I had spoken to them in a foreign language.

Studying Autoinflammatory Diseases: The Past, Present, And A Perspective For The Future
Autoinflammatory diseases are a group of rare and complex disorders that have puzzled scientists and medical professionals for decades. These

What do Patients With TRAPS Look Like?
Trying to differentiate between the many (and ever-growing in number) autoinflammatory diseases is difficult. They share many clinical features, such as fever, abdominal pain,

Boston: A Few of My Favorite Things
For the next five days,14,000 rheumatologists will be visiting Boston for the Annual Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. With talks scheduled from 7am to 6pm, you may have little time to visit the city

Your Child With Frequent Fevers: Is it Autoinflammatory?
When I was little, I used to get a lot of fevers. With my fevers, I would develop pain in one or both of my ears, and I felt so drained that I just wanted to be left alone to watch TV (or play Atari).

SAVI, The New Autoinflammatory Kid on The Block
. The latest autoinflammatory disease is called STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy, or SAVI.

Measuring Autoinflammatory Disease Activity
Measuring disease activity–how active the disease is and how severely the patient is affected–has been quite difficult to do in autoinflammatory diseases.
The Unseen Battle:
"Autoinflammatory diseases are a reminder that our own immune system
when dysregulated, can become an unwitting enemy within."
Social Media

A Doctor’s Prescription For Social Media – Part 1
As an experiment, I immersed myself in social media for the past three months. I started this blog, joined Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, bought a domain name, and posted on Facebook for the first time in years.

A Doctor’s Prescription For Social Media – Part 2
As an experiment, I immersed myself in social media for the past three months. Within this short period of time, I reaped tangible benefits. In addition, social media has changed the way that I think about and practice medicine.

Video: Doctors Who Skip Social Media Risk Alienating Their Patients: Myth Or Reality?
I was honored to be invited to appear on an episode of Stanford’s Medicine X Live titled “Doctors who skip social media risk alienating their patients: myth or reality?”

How I Use Social Media For Medical Education (And Why You Should, Too!)
Social media is a great tool for medical educators, but, like anything else worth doing, it takes some effort to get started. Social media allows you to teach, learn, collaborate, research,

Video: How To Leverage Social Media To Become A Better Physician
Let me know what you think of the presentation, and how I can improve my lecturing skills. Also, would love to hear your thoughts about how social media has changed your practice, if at all!
Jonathan S. Hausmann, MD
I am a pediatric and adult rheumatologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. Shortly after starting my rheumatology fellowship, I was asked to write a review article for a medical journal about autoinflammatory diseases in pediatrics.