My Publications

Selected Publications By Jonathan Hausmann, Md

Batu ED, Eroğlu FK, Tsoukas P, Hausmann JS, Bilginer Y, Kenna MA, Licameli GR, Fuhlbrigge RC, Özen S, Dedeoğlu F. Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and Cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome: analysis of patients from two geographic areas. Arthritis Care and Research. Apr 5, 2016.

Hausmann, J. S. (2014). A piece of my mind. One stroke at a time. JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association312(9), 893–894. 

Hausmann J.S., Morola, J.  Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. In: Goldsmith LA, editor.  VisualDx: Visual Clinical Decision Support Tool (online). Rochester, NY: Logical Images; 2014. 

Hausmann, J.S.  “Is this the end of rheumatology as we know it?” Kevin MD. May 21, 2014.

Hausmann, Jonathan. “What is an autoinflammatory disease?” KevinMD. March 23, 2014.

Hausmann, J.S.  Arthritis, Fever, and Weight Loss in a Teenager.  The Rheumatologist, 2014: 8(1): 39-41.

Hausmann, J. S., Biggs, C. M., Goldsmith, D., Dedeoglu, F., & Investigators, C. (2013). P02-004 – AID in a registry of children in North America. Pediatric Rheumatology11(Suppl 1), A111. 

Biggs, C. M., Hausmann, J. S., Kim, S., Janssen, E., Nigrovic, P., Fuhlbrigge, R., et al. (2013). PW02-004 – Autoinflammatory syndromes: a clinical review. Pediatric Rheumatology11(Suppl 1), 

Hodges, H. K., Lee, P. Y., Hausmann, J. S., Teot, L. A., Sanford, E. L., & Levin, K. W. (2013). Hypercalcemia and miliary sarcoidosis in a 15-year-old boy. Arthritis and Rheumatism65(8), 2112. 

Hausmann, J. S., & Dedeoglu, F. (2013). Autoinflammatory Diseases in Pediatrics. Dermatologic Clinics

Hausmann J.S., Hazen M. Reactive Arthritis. In: Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Zaoutis and Chiang, eds (in press).

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